Boundless Grace Church

"First", Living a God First Life in a Me First World; part 3



I. God first giving is a subject we must all learn in order to live a God first life. II. God first livers are God first givers. III. Eight ways first fruit givers honor God: 1. First fruit givers refuse to be spiritual thieves. 2. First fruit givers are thoughtful and cheerful givers. 3. First fruit givers are regular and proportional givers. 4. First fruit givers are generous givers. 5. First fruit givers are sacrificial givers. 6. First fruit givers are compassionate givers. 7. First fruit givers are give for God's glory rather than man's approval. 8. First fruit givers understand that they "can't take it with them, but they cab send it ahead. IV. Promisies made to First Fruit Givers: 1. God will fill your life with blessings. 2. God will supply all your needs. 3. God will open heavens windows are pour out his blessings upon you.