Heed Your Calling With Jim Schubert

Emotional & Physical Pain Relief Is Closer Than You Think…With John Cattermole



John Cattermole - husband, father, grandfather, servant leader, and entrepreneurial breadwinner, shares his personal and professional Calling Journey, including 25 years bringing pain relief to people suffering – physically, emotionally and spiritually. John shares how his work in physical therapy led him on a path where he encountered the revolutionary Egoscue Method – a natural, Postural Therapy, focused on the root-source of pain to bring relief to people once trapped in chronic pain. So impressed by the results his family and clients were experiencing that he and his bride felt led to partner with Egoscue as franchisees. And, subsequently rose to becoming one of the top Egoscue operators in the country – but not without precarious, character refining valleys with life threatening health, financial and business low points along his path. John’s abiding faith in Jesus Christ is his life-line to emerging through the flames more dependent on God’s grace and more refined as a disciple maker.     Show Notes: H