Heed Your Calling With Jim Schubert

How Eliminating $52K Of Debt In 18 Months Launched An Entrepreneurial Calling…with Deacon Hayes



Deacon Hayes - Co-Founder of Well Kept Wallet, the financial education company that provides personal finance resources, author of the book You Can Retire Early, and the creator of the course “Dept-Free in 18 Months” -  shares his extremely beneficial journey towards being a servant leader, entrepreneurial bread winner, husband, and father. Deacon shares how he moved from being an employee into being self-employed, what it took to build up his business successfully, and the power of applying your God-given talents and experiences in the service of others.   Show Notes: How did Deacon Hayes discover his calling and get focused on it Getting out of $52,000 of consumer debt in 18 months was Well Kept Wallet’s starting point What did it feel like for Deacon Hayes’ and his wife to be free from debt America has a “payment lifestyle” that keeps people accustom to debt bondage Deacon Hayes explains how he used his “Debt Elimination Chart” What was his transition from employee to self-employment like How did Deacon a