Tbd With Ldt

TBD With LDT Ep 31: Theatre Is My Church



...aaaaand we're back from Unexpected Hiatus Due to Life as an MFA Acting Student! The past few weeks have been tough ones, not just because of an intensely fulfilling school workload, but also because our country--our WORLD--is in a state of tremendous upheaval. Over the past two weekends, I was privileged to sit in the audience of two theatre pieces that resonated with me strongly, not only because of their own depth and breadth, but because of the intense connection and reflection on current events and current mindsets. Truly, these were reverential, sacred experiences, akin to the transcendent moments that occur in a church, temple, fellowship hall, mosque, or other places where people gather in faith. If you are in the LA area this weekend, you have a chance to partake of one of those experiences -- Sarah Mantell's "Everything That Never Happened" is in its final weekend of performances at Boston Court in Pasadena. GO SEE IT.