Become A Beast

BAB 037: #DontWannaWednesday & What in the World It Means



The last thing we want to do is often the first thing we need to do.  - Tim Ferriss (paraphrased) I hate pull ups. They intimidate the hell out of me. I suck at them. I can bench over 200 pounds without flinching, yet shake in my boots when I need to do 10 pull ups. That doesn't mean I can't do them. That just means I hate doing them. That's when I came up with the idea for #DontWannaWednesday. Click here to listen, rate, and subscribe on iTunes) Have a question, idea, or thought? Leave us a voicemail. As noted above by Ferriss, the thing that I least want to do is often what I should address first. However, it's discouraging and not motivating to do the things we hate to do. So, how do we do them? I have officially dedicated Wednesday's to including pull up's in my workout routine. I absolutely hate doing them, but I know they need to get done as they are a great bodyweight exercise. With my Boston Qualifying attempt training in full swing now, I need to include more and more bodyweight exercises to m