Shrunken Head Lounge Surf Music Radio

Show 10 Part 2 - Beach Boys The LaterYears



Shrunken Head Lounge Surf Radio Show Running Time: 29 minutes 30 seconds Beach Boys Special Part 2 Surfin USA, Fun Fun Fun, Little Deuce Coupe - that's just one side of the Beach Boys. But what about the introspective and experimental side which they display on their later works? This show will feature songs showing the bands maturation in the late '60s as Americas best and most versitile recording acts. The Beach Boys started out as a family - three brothers, Brian, Carl and Dennis Wilson and their cousin Mike Love. The addition of Brians school friend Al Jardine filled out the picture. The hallmark of these recordings are the groups vocal harmonies, a new approach to arrangements and Brian's incorporation of the Wall Of Sound, originally created by Phil Spector and refined in a way that only Brian could. "Pet Sounds" is the pinnicle in this sound, considerred the greatest album ever recorded (and inspiring The Beatles Paul McCartney to create Sgt. Pepper) . To bring his ideas to life, Brian hired top studi