Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Open Forum- H.R. 5417 -TruckerWages-HOS-14HR-ELD



A lot of discussion concerning ELD’s has opened Pandora's box of trucker issues.  Strong to ELD opposition has led to many other discussions affecting drivers.  Among them are the Hours of Service and the 14hour clock, Trucker Wages, Federal Preemption of States Rights. ATA is at it again. Federal Preemption against Driver Wages Preemption failed to pass in the Omnibus bill, it was ATA's most recent of 5 Attempts since 2015. They are now attempting to include language in FAAAA Re-authorization bill Preemption update against Trucker Wages -The fight to be paid for all time U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX-36), attempted to relieve truckers from the negative effects of the ELD mandate which went into enforcement mode on April 1st. Babin Introduces Legislation to Improve Hours-of-Service Regulations  The Responsible and Effective Standards for Truckers (REST) Act, legislation that would modernize hours of service regulations for truck drivers. The REST Act would allow