God Conversations With Tania Harris

(038) How to Live Your Dream



A few years ago on an Australian reality talent show, a young man expressed his dream to be a famous singer. The emcee told of his dedication in preparing for this moment. His mother spoke of his deep passion and commitment. When the man took to the stage, the audience applauded in great anticipation. In spite of the lead up, the performance was awful. This young man had plenty of zeal, but absolutely no talent. One judge known for his honest feedback didn’t hold back: “Your dream will never happen. No amount of hard work will make you a good singer. You will never be on the stage.” It was a brutal moment, but it was also an act of grace. This man’s dream was completely misplaced. It wasn't based on who he was or how God designed him to be. He was believing a fantasy and without the reality check provided by the judges, was headed towards even greater disappointment. When We Grow Up? What are we going to be when we grow up? It’s a question we usually ask children, but it’s a question we all need to ask ours