God Conversations With Tania Harris

(046) How to Handle Money, Sex and Power



Money, sex and power are some of the most powerful agents in the world. Any one of them can take down presidents and pastors, politicians and kings. History is littered with stories of people who have been able to conquer nations but not their own lives. So how does God call us to handle them? I'm going to be honest with you. Travelling the world, I have the opportunity to hear a lot of stories - and tragically, they're not all good. Many of them involve abuse and hurt at the hands of leaders who haven't been able to handle one or more of three areas of life: money, sex and power. Of course it's not just leaders who are susceptible - we are all subject to their misuse. But when money, sex and power are not handled well by those in authority, there are far-reaching consequences. In this episode of the show, we look at: How money, sex and power are morally neutral. They are tools that can be used for both good or evil. The key lies in how we use them and what place they take in our hearts. When it comes