Geeks Of Azeroth - A Podcast For Blizzard Gamers

Episode 29 - Do You Even PvP? ft. Lore (different Lore)



Greetings geeks! This week on the show the team is joined by Lore (a different Lore!) and will be covering a whole range of topics starting with the last trickle of news coming out of Patch 6.1. The team will also be having a lengthy discussion on PvP, something our Lore is a bit of an expert on; we’ll be talking about our experiences in PvP, the state of PvP in Warlords of Draenor, and what the future may hold. Throw in all of that, and a whole lot more, and you have Episode 29 of Geeks of Azeroth! Patch 6.1 will go live next week: Patch 6.1 brings colourblind support: Method gets world first Mythic: Lore’s Twitch Channel: