Geeks Of Azeroth - A Podcast For Blizzard Gamers

Episode 33 - Old People Tweeting



Greetings geeks! This week on the show the team sit down to talk about the recent 6.1.2 Hotfixes, the new details on WoW tokens, and the release of Blackhand’s Crucible on LFR. The team also have a look at some new statistics coming out of raiding in Warlords of Draenor, and some statistics on how players have fared on the current Legendary quest line. Throw in a discussion of Twitter’s implementation into the game, the announcement of the winner of our competition, and much more, and you have Episode 33 of Geeks of Azeroth! 6.1.2 Hotfixes: New WoW Token Details/ Blackhand LFR Open: Armory Stats - Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry: Armory Stats - Legendary Quest Line Achievements: