Lift Heavy Run Long Podcast - Inspire. Be Inspired.

LHRL® #158 – The answer to life the universe and everything


Sinopse Lots of exciting stuff to be talked about on the Lift Heavy Run Long® Podcast #158 almost none of which will make you a better person but it will make you more funny at parties and likely a better dancer. Wilson got one of those traffic tickets that is taken by a camera and sent in the mail. Do you really have to pay those things? Watch the Westside Barbell story on Netflix. It will change your life. After you do, join Olive Branch Crossfit and come workout with Earnest and Wilson. Drinking from a gallon jug turns out to be an extremely efficient way to take down a lot of water really quickly. It will probably give you hyponatremia or whatever but it's probably worth it. Wanna know how much the top athletes made at the 2019 CrossFit Games? Reebok is out of CrossFit Games. Good for the athletes and the sport or no? Y