From 1 To 70

WOW: From 1 to 70 Episode 4



Set Reviews and level 10! TCG: We head into our set review. We give you insight to the Druids and Hunters in the TCG, and give you a decklist for a fral druid build. First Pick: Thimblefire introduces the very basics of drafting a TCG. MMO: WElcome to level 10 where everything changes! We walk you through getting to the first major city, the auction house, and the special class quests you get at level 10. WE also go over guilds a little bit. Post your guild name suggestions here! WE will be deciding on a name and forming the guild this week, so watch this thread for information! Phenom's Tip of the Week: One of the best add-on's for the auction house: Auctioneer. This mod allows you to scan the auction house and get prices for all the items in the game. These prices reflect what they go for on your server. Please send all your entries for our Itunes icon to:, sorry for the wrong Addy in the show.