From 1 To 70

WOW: From 1 to 70 Episode 5



The hits keep on comin! TCG: We continue our set review with Mages and Paladins. In the course of the review we get into some card evaluation stratagies and a discusion on card advantage. First pick: Thimblefire Continues his introduction to draft and all it's glory. MMO: WElcome to Darkshore, or The Barrens, or wherever the questgivers send you! We start to get into the new zones and what you should do in them. We also reveal the names of our Alliance and Horde guilds! Look out for our Ragefire caverns Instance guide next week! Phenom's tip of the week: Patch notes, they are your friend. Guild event!: Be in front of stormwing (by the huge statues) at 12:00PM server time (western standard) on Sunday Dec. 17th. Make sure you have your tabbard of the frost code from the UDE points site here. It will be 2000 UDE points, but even if you can't get it yet, come along! We leave at 12:30 server time!