From 1 To 70

WOW: From 1 to 70 Episode 12



The World Is Changing! TCG: St. Louis had 2 more Regionals, which Phenomone played in one. Find out his mindset of the game is changing. Plus, who's the beatdown? First pick: Thimblefire did a draft, and starts to reflect on it. MMO: How playing PvP is different than PvE. Waliing Caverns prep. Phenoms tip of the week: More rep grinding, this week, Argent Dawn! Update: To get the trinket, when you get to Chillwind Camp, talk to Argent Officer Pureheart, and she will give you the Trinket to start gaining Argent Dawn reputation. And of course, the Guild Information and E-Mail of the Week are here as well. Here is a link to get GEM (Guild Event Manager), help us out in the testing of it! To join the Spirit Reavers come to the Anvilmar server and send a whisper to any of: Althalas, Barbazu, Monmothma, Braved, Evanya, Thimblefire, Phenomone, Gortox, Ravensanger, or Desiato. Mention the show and the invite is yours!