Dr. Carol Francis

Communicating with Alzheimer's by Susan Kohler



Any form of dementia, including Alzheimers, causes the sufferer to loose memories and the ability to connect with loved ones. The stress and disappointing sadness that family members, friends and caregivers experience when dementia takes over often interferes with the emotionally satisfying experience of connecting, through communication, touch or shared experiences. Susan Kohler, a Speech Pathologist, has discovered a way to help family and friends of dementia sufferers reconnect with their loved one in ways that are touching, moving, satisfying and amazing. This hour interview provides listeners with a 9 step roadmap toward reconnecting with Alzheimer sufferers who are loosing their way, their loves and their Selves. Call ahead with questions to Dr. Francis at 310-543-1824; review the book How To Communicate With Alzheimer's by Susan Kohler at BookEnergy.weebly.com or contact Dr. Francis at drcarolfrancis.com or MakeLifeHappenNow@gmail.com. Or contact Susan Kohler at SusanKohler@grpublishing.com