Dr. Carol Francis

Yol Swan- Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing For Indigo Adults & Feminine Soul



Join Dr. Carol Francis with author Yol Swan as we explore those soulful, heart-driven, compassionate people who don't fit into the harsh, warrior-like attitude that corporations, colleges, competitive business environments create.   Yol Swan delineates the empathic tools of spiritual healings, holistic consciousness, iconic feminine energetics that the Indigo conscious children and adults need to feel their power and their place in these intriguing times.    The Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing For  Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls  is authored by Yol Swan helps those amazing individuals who don't fit the masculine energy of competition and harsh demeanors of warrior consciousness on Dr. Carol Francis.   Yol Swan asks you to consider the following, "Unlock Your Hidden Feminine Power To Bring Balance To an Overly Masculine World.  Are You Highly Sensitive, Creative and Empathic or Feel Out of Place? You May Be an Indigo Adult In Need of Spiritual Healing To Embrace Your Divine Difference!" Host:  D