Dr. Carol Francis

Enhance Your Wealth, Health, Career, Loves and Transcendent Powers



Make Life Happen Dr. Carol Francis Psychology and Science of Wealth, Health, Love, Meaningfulness, Happiness, and Etheric Powers. 18 Minutes today to charge your ability to live successfully in all dimensions of your life. Live Your VERVE cultivating your attitudes, actions and tools which create your wealth, health, career success, love connections, and transcendent powers.     Dr. Carol Francis is a licensed Clinical Psychologist, licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, Reiki Master, Certified Nutrition Counselor, Fitness Trainer. Her in-person work is in the South Bay Los Angeles Beach Cities and her on-line work is by appointment and can be accessed at DrCarolFrancis.com, 310-543-1824. For more information consider DrCarolFrancisTalkRadio.com; blogtalkradio.com/dr-carol-francis; RelationshipSatisfactionNow.com; YouTube/DrCarolFrancis.com; YouTube/SpiritualJouneyTools.com; SoulJourneyTool.com.