Dr. Carol Francis

Training in Art of Intuitive Talents with Hypnotherapist & Medium Mary O'Maley



Mary O'Maley keenly aims to train individuals in the skills of intuitive work associated with empathy training, mediumship and psychic skills.  These skills may be more akin to old school magic in the minds of some.  However, many new studies of brain entrainment, mirroring functioning in the neurostructure of the brain, and the power of mindfulness training to improve mental powers over stress, anxiety and depression demonstrate that intuition training increases mental health and personal empowerment.   Consider also the links to many other studies in Psychology (verified research i.e. PARS in Princeton; SR in Stanford; NDE in UCLA and UA) which are related to entanglement theory or nonlocality and multi-dimensionality in quantum physics, each individual keen to expand their tools for enriching life stand to be thrilled to add these exercises and tools taught by Mary O'Maley to their growing  tool-box of living life more fully.   Mary O'Maley can be reached through her website at http://maryomaley.com offer