Dr. Carol Francis

"The Art of Connection" by Michael J. Gelb Teaches Leaders to Bridge Gaps



"The Art of Connection" by Michael J. Gelb, Author of "How to Think Like Leonardo DaVinci" joins Dr. Carol Francis today to discuss how Gelb's power tools assist management, bosses, CEOs, marriages, and even parents. Gelb's tools of connection transform moments that lead to productivity, cooperation, commitment and meaningful joy at work and in all relationships.  Consider the following seven tools while absorbing these helpful guidelines.  Embrace Humility — Why humility is the source of genuine strength and confidence, and how to cultivate it.Be a Glowworm — How emotions are contagious and how to spread the energy to bring out the best in yourself and others.Achieve the Three Liberations — Profound ways to shift out of patterns that interfere with your ability to connect with yourself and others.Transcend Fixations — Move beyond the habits that limit your freedom to connect and respond intelligently and effectively, to different types of people.Balance Energy Exchange — Methods to monitor the balance of ene