Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of the July 23, 2015 Creation Energies show - Brenda's 15-minute channel at It's likely more difficult for you to be around those who do not share love even though you assumed they would be part of your life forever. You're also learning new concepts that don't always resonate for/with you. Instead of continuing duality by expressing your need to be right, know that such is your unique growth process that doesn't require shifting thoughts of others including any space aliens you may encounter. Moving into a Radical Shift is the title of this week's Brenda's Blog - her channel for www.LifeTapestry Overview of the July 31, 2015 Creation Energies show: You're now shifting your physical being. Perhaps this shift will seem frightening for there are no books or manuals to help you understand your physical changes as was true for you in puberty. Even though parts of your being - such as your heart and lungs - will grow a bit, such growth won' be noticeab