Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of the July 31, 2015 Creation Energies show - Brenda's 15-minute channel at You've evolved spiritually and emotionally for months, years, even decades. Now it's time for your physical physical phase. This physical phase will continue for days or a few months, but certainly not for years. For it is time to claim new you in your totality - including your physical body. And so you are. Why You're Feeling Lonely is the title of this week's channeled Brenda's Blog for Overview of the August 7, 2015 Creation Energies show: August 8 or 8/8/8 is a day to move further from your 3D being by slipping into your personal joy. That joy might be similar to what you experienced last year or something entirely new. It doesn't matter for as you evolve it is likely your joy will evolve also. For those of you in an environment that doesn't seem joyful, change your perception to find joy in the hidden corners of your being. Joy is your keyword for this