The Truth About Trust With Vanessa Hall

Business Interview - Bernard Salt



Talking about trust between Generations with Bernard Salt, Australia’s leading demographer and trend forecaster. Bernard Salt is a KPMG Partner based in Melbourne Australia. Bernard has established an international reputation as a trend forecaster for the property and financial services industries. His best selling book The Big Shift predicted a surge in the demand for lifestyle and residential property underpinned by the imminent retirement of the baby boom generation. His second book, also a best seller, The Big Picture, looks at how work, life and relationships are changing in the developed world in the early decades of the 21st century. Bernard authored and released a global study of Generation Y commissioned by KPMG International and called Beyond the Baby Boomers in July 2007 which attracted front page coverage of the Financial Times as well as coverage by The Economist magazine and other US-based business journals. Bernard Salt is a bestselling author, a columnist with The Australian and Melbourne