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Fulfilling Life’s Yearnings with Super Athlete, Antjuane Sims | FLY053



Fulfilling Life’s Yearnings with Super Athlete, Antjuane Sims | FLY053     No matter where you are now, find your passion, lock in on it, and go for it. -Antjuane Sims   What’s up FLY Zone,     FLY053 features Antjuane Sims. Antjuane is an all-round super athlete and today I get to talk with him about how he is Fulfilling Life’s Yearnings. We discuss his journey to where he is now in life, and how his faith has shaped the person that he is. This is an interview you do not want to miss.   You can connect with Antjuane here on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antjuane.sims   On his website: