Everyday Joy

Stop Observing and Start Living



Are you the critic? Are you the fan? Are you the silent observer? Are you in the arena? Are you waiting for permission? Are you a player? Where are you playing out your life? On the field, in the arena or in the stands? Life is about experience and today on Everyday Joy the conversation is an invitation for YOU to get into your Life! With so much noise in the world about what is wrong with the world and the people in it YOU are invited to get involved and stop being part of the noise. Be part of the change you want in the world is a nice idea but you can only create change by getting involved. Jen Halterman is inviting you to change your life by Living Your Life! Will you answer the call and Start Living? Jen will also be sharing her LOVE for the movie Chef… if you haven’t seen it go see it this weekend! #ChefMovie