Shutter Time Podcast

Episode 192 »» Smugs, Sidnados and Voices with Dave Szweduik



Sidnado With @supercellsid as my Twitter handle, it wasn’t too surprising I went nuts over this new series from our listener and good friend of the show, Laurie (@haveteacup). We will let her tell the full story on her blog, but she has been starting to discover her photo DNA and this journey has led her to an incredible treasure, wonderfully named, The Thelma Files. Make sure y’all check out her blog and Instagram for more goodness on this series about her grandmother, a photographer and storm enthusiast! SmugMug + Flickr = True Love? It is no secret to many that SmugMug has scooped up the often-neglected photography sharing site and community, Flickr. What exactly does this mean for Flickr members? Is this a match made in heaven or does it spell the end of the Flickr we once knew and loved? Please join us as we discuss Sidnados, SmugMug, voices in your photography and more (inspiration vs. appreciation, y’all!). You can also listen to our Mac have a great discussion about this new SmugMug + Flickr journey o