Beer With Strangers

Episode 153



This week, Doug and Tony talk about what to drink for Thanksgiving, making coffee beers and news from around the region.    Column: Why you should bring craft beer to Thanksgiving dinner CLOSE Beyond the volume of food many of us have for Thanksgiving, there's also an expectation of quality. Lots of people eat traditional foods, sure, but also the best versions of everyday foods. The meal and, really, the entire weekend are about family and friends, leisure and bounty. Want to Host a Bottle Share? Resourceful Redditors Have This Advice A string on the beer subreddit jumped out at me: "What items do you think are essential to a beer share?" Sharing beer with friends is one of the essentially beautiful parts of being a beer lover. A-B InBev picks new North America chief: Michel Doukeris - St. Louis Business Journal Anheuser-Busch InBev has named a new North America chief. Michel Doukeris, chief sales officer for the global brewer since January, will become its zone president for North America and CEO of