
Le ordeno que baje del coche



Subjunctive 12. In our 261st episode: I ordered you to get out of the car (Subjunctive 12), we are to continuing work substantive sentences with indicative, infinitive or subjunctive. In this episode, with the verbs of influence and within them, the verbs of mandate. Today we will witness the dialogue between a traffic police officer and Luis, who has just skipped a red light and the agent stopped him to see his condition and sanction his behavior. Subjuntivo 12. En nuestro episodio nº 261: Le ordeno que baje del coche (Subjuntivo 12), continuamos trabajando oraciones sustantivas con indicativo, infinitivo o subjuntivo. En este episodio, con los verbos de influencia y dentro de ellos, los verbos de mandato. Hoy asistiremos al diálogo entre un agente de policía de tráfico y Luis, quien acaba de saltarse un semáforo en rojo y el agente lo ha parado para ver su estado y sancionar su conducta.