Searching For Clair Huxtable

Dating with Kids



Dating for women with child/children can be challenging and often frustrating for women. It adds an extra layer of complexity to the relationship, especially if she has primary custody, which is most likely the case. In addition, many men are hesitant to date a woman with child/children because it can present problems they would rather not have to deal with. For example – Dates are more likely planned which affects spontaneity, the potentially traumatic effects childbirth may have on the woman’s body (i.e. stretch marks, sagging breasts, scarring (C-section) and vagina stretching post childbirth), the possibility of dealing with a “Baby Daddy” or multiple “Baby Daddies” if still in the picture, and finally the possibility of there being double the heartbreak if the relationship doesn’t work out. How does the effect a woman’s dating style and the frequency of which she dates? When is the best time to integrate your child/children into your dating lifestyl [...]