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Breaking Up



Breakups are never easy, especially when there is love involved. After a breakup, it can be healthy for people to reflect on what they’ve learned from the past relationship and what they want to improve in the next one. Now how one chooses to end a relationship varies. Because social media has become such an integral part of our lives, breakups have grown to become more impersonal. The ‘face to face’ break up has become a method of the past and many relationships have ended via text or by some other social media platform. So it bears the question – What’s the most effective way to break up with someone? Especially when ending an unhealthy or abusive relationship. Is breaking up with a man and a woman different? And finally, how do you heal and move on and avoid that gray area which often occurs post break up, where you’re behaving like a couple, but there’s no commitment? There are plenty of Breakups do’s and don’ts. Brain-mapping studies have s [...]