Beyond The Edge Radio

6/5/2016 John Brightman, The Bridgewater Triangle and the New England Paranormal Research



This week John Brightman of the New England Paranormal Research returns to BTE Radio. Eric and Marie welcome John back to share the latest news and investigations the NEPR and he have been up to. We'll talk about some of the haunted locations in New England and the infamous Bridgewater Triangle. About John Hailing from the planet of Freetown MA John Brightman, founder of New England Paranormal Research, has been investigating for nearly a decade. Johns childhood acted as the main inspiration, growing up in the Freetown State Forest, part of the Bridgewater Triangle of Massachusetts. Specializing in any big big conventions all over the country such as Dragon con 2 years in a row,Fear con, Scarefest, Scare a con, RI comic con, Rapture Horror con and many more just to name a few. So stop by and say hi to him! he loves a healthy dose of conversation, advice, or just plain entertainment. my ghost story rose ithe infamous murder cases of cult leader Carl Drew, as well as Mary Lou Arruda, John's lectures will ca