Fdn Support Show

FDN Support Talk Radio



6:00  Promote and produce - 2 things all businesses have to do.  14:00  Caller - Low number of reactive foods on MRT and Rx.  Do an elimination diet and work on other areas 25:00  Caller - Research on bedtime by 10pm recommendation - chinese medicine, observation, circadian rhythm and night-shift worker studies, www.howsleepworks.com 30:00  Caller - Effects of breast implants on health, hormones, lymph 39:00  Caller - filtering drinking water, Zero Water Filter 45:00  Is the Genova IP test a doctor-diagnosable test?  Have the results been correlated with biopsies or otherwise confirmed to correctly show leaky gut or are the results mainly theoretical (i.e. if lactulose is high, leaky gut is should be present)?  I’m not a doctor and I know we don’t diagnose anyway, but I’m mainly asking more b/c I’m curious about how the labs go through validation. 53:00  Selling packages - 5 labs vs 3 + 2 on occasion.  Diagnose and treat vs investigate and recommend