Fdn Support Show

FDN Support Talk Radio



10 Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Ask Themselves with David J. Miller 2:00  David's Intro 14:00  Do I have enough in savings to withstand 3 months of no sales? 23:00  Is it hard for me to save money? 26:00  What happens to my financial plan if I can’t work for a few years? 29:00  Am I taking advantage of all the legal ways to reduce my income tax today? 34:00  Am I building assets that will provide tax-free income in the future? 38:00  Is my Financial Advisor a broker or a fiduciary? ie does he get paid on commissions, or on a fee-basis? 45:00  Do I have too much in cash? How much is too much, and what’s a better use for it? 47:00  What happens to my family if I pass away prematurely? 49:00  How much should I be saving for the long-term? What’s my “number’’? 56:00 David's contact info