Fdn Support Show

FDN Support Talk Radio



Special Guest Dr. Bryan Walsh 6:00  Being selective on who you work with 13:00  Different types of practitioners 16:00  Take an inventory of who you are as a practitioner.  You can't be all things to all people, but there is room for all types/styles of practitioner 20:00  Fat Is Not Your Fault history.  Dr. Walsh's fitness background, lies of fitness industry, discovering weight loss with clients without exercise 24:00  Healthy body = healthy body weight.  Diet and exercise will work better when other pathways are fixed. 25:00  Good effort just wrong focus. High cortisol messing everything up. 31:00  Reducing cortisol using phosphatidylserine, immune system connection 32:00  Treating test results vs asking "why" / reasons for it 36:00  Reed's one diagnosis: Metabolic Chaos.  General principles vs specific treatments 42:00  Great vs mediocre practitioners ask "why" and not just raising or lowering something. 45:00  Don't treat the test results; they are not the problem. 46:00  Truth about Adrenal