Seika Network

Dynamic Dojo Talkradio: with Kumu Lua Michelle Manu



Sunday August 31, 2014. Join us as we welcome Kumu Lua Michelle Manu to the Dojo! Michelle is a woman of "firsts". 1st generation 9th degree Lua black belt under the Olohe Solomon Kaihewalu, 1st woman to make wooden Lua training weapons, the only woman in the Lua Halau in 35 years....and she has the skills and the brains to back up her position in Lua. Join us as we discuss her background, the history of Lua, and much more Started her martial arts training at 9 years old.First generation 9th Degree Black Belt under Olohe Solomon Kaihewalu with the Lua Halau of Kaihewalu.Earned the title of Kumu Lua which means Lua teacher.Became a professional hula dancer at 14 years old in Southern California and then went professional in the Midwest at 15 through 22 years old.Competition cheerleader, competition gymnast and a professional women’s tackle football player.2002 Martial Artist of the Month by World Black Belt, Inc.Inducted into the Master’s Hall of Fame in 2006.Has worked on several productions where she has be