

If Colony had a Talking Dead-style "In Memorium" section of the show, this episode would have had a long one. A major character, a minor one, the minor one's sons, and then red-hat collateral damage. Let's not forget moon-base plague-man! The terrorist cell Will has been after all season, also known as the Country Quayle Jamboree featuring Katie, is swept into the pages of history with a little help from their leader turning rat (and a little more help from Will's good aim). Things play out in a way that will let Katie skate back into her normal, non-insurrectionist life and all she has to do is take the opportunity Will has created. Can she? Will she? Her unexplained draw to Broussard is likely a time-bomb within her and when he calls, she will come a' runnin'. Maybe in the meantime, she and Will can re-forge their own bond, focus on getting Charlie back, and at least make it hard decision for her when Broussard comes knocking. Overall, great episode, full of surprises; top 3 of the season. In other news,