

What the heck is THIS? About a year ago, Daley Review entered into a partnership with some friends made only from online interactions, mostly revolving around our interest in the show Colony. We all decided to contribute to this new entity that we'd call "So Many Shows". We all wanted to try and cover as many shows as we could. Along the way, an Internet Radio show began, with Daley Review riding shotgun the whole time. Today, we call the show "The Jay and Mike Show". In early incarnations, such as the episode included here, we called it TV Talk. Caroline and I plan on posting these episodes during this little downtime before Fall TV picks up. We hope you enjoy them. They're a little different than our usual podcast, but... we mean well. Caroline and I usually co-host twice a week. Mike actually joined the show a little later than this episode, but... I'm not making two graphics. So Many Shows: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Jay and Mike Shows: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Patreon