Supernatural Girlz

The Magical Faery UnderWorld ~ with Expert RJ Stewart



Visit the Magical Underworld with RJ Stewart Tune in to Supernatural Girlz to hear from Under and Other world expert RJ Stewart.  Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, R.J.’s father came from a Gaelic speaking family originally from the Western Highlands and his mother from a Welsh speaking family originally from the Gower Peninsula in South Wales. R. J. Stewart has taught workshops and classes in the UK and USA, Canada, and Israel. These include working with Celtic and classical mythological traditions, the Faery and UnderWorld traditions, music and consciousness, and his original ongoing program for transforming awareness, the Inner Temple Traditions Inner Convocation ® .  In 1996 R.J. was admitted to the USA as “resident alien of extraordinary ability,” a category awarded only to immigrants of outstanding achievement in the arts or sciences.? He is the author of many books, including The Underworld Initiation, The Arch of Heaven, The Well of Light, The Spirit Cord and more.