Supernatural Girlz

The Miraculous EDD EDWARDS ~ A Human Catalyst For Instantaneous Healing



Edd Edwards is a leader in the field of Bio Intrinsic Resonant Energy. As the catalyst for instantaneous healing and energy movement, Edd desires to help others heal themselves.  Hear how top scientists have validated and measured his ability to manipulate energy. Learn what the scientist have learned, so far in 26 years worth of clinical studies that have been conducted on Edd's special abilities; how his brain is operating,  and allowing Edd to use it to help people that are dealing with pain and stress, by using his brain to reset and activate their healing mechanisms with the energy Edd has learned to control. Tune in to hear Edd’s techniques on how you can work with this powerful energy. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advise, diagnosis or treatment. All content is for general information purposes only. Edd Edwards is not a physician .  You are encouraged to review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.