Herb Talk

Winter Health I



Hosts Stephan Brown & Eliza Travisano www.greatcape.com Seasonal Ailments: Allergies, Cold, Flu, Brochitis... "wind pollinated" vs. "insect pollinated" plants Plant Energy and Harvest Times Echinacea- immune stimulant; 1st sign of cold- loading dose (1tsp) & frequency in very important. Goldenseal & other Berberines (Oregon Grape & Barberry) only if mucous membranes involved. Immunity Soup/ Stew- Astragalus, Codonopsis, Squashes, Garlic, Onions, Aromatic Spices (thyme, rosemary, oregano), Mushrooms (shiitake, maitake, reishi, chaga), Umeboshi Plum paste... Eating Herbs Cold Hold Snuffle Muffle Optimum Lung Cleaning with Essential Oils (lavender, eucalyptus, pine, peppermint) Fall Detox- Dandelion, Burdock, Sarsaparilla... Juicing Fast- Carrots, Beets, Ginger... Try Dandy Blend:) great substitute for coffee...really!!!