Booknet Canada

A children's librarian on the state of children's publishing in Canada



Here at BookNet, we've had children's titles on the mind since we opened up voting for our new Loan Stars Jr. list in November. The first Loan Stars Jr. list, consisting of Juvenile and Young Adult titles, will be released this March and while we're waiting to see what will make the inaugural list, there's been a lot of reflecting and bonding over memories of the books and library programs that led us to dedicate our lives to making them. It also raised questions about the state of children's publishing in Canada and the role that libraries play. So we decided to take our questions to children's librarian, Scott Robins, the Children's Services Specialist at the Don Mills branch of the Toronto Public Library. (Find the transcript of this episode here: Connect with Loan Stars: Loan Stars: Loan Stars Facebook: Loan Stars Twitter: