Authentic Wellness Radio

#14: The MD Emperor Has No Clothes - Dr Peter Glidden ND



Dr Peter Glidden, Naturopathic Doctor and author of 'The MD Emperor Has No Clothes: Everyone Is Sick and I Know Why", joins us for what is likely to be THE MOST controversial show that we will ever do. Dr Glidden's outspoken, but thorougly well researched, book covers the house of cards that is reductionist allopathic medicine, and why WHOLISTIC medicine is the golden standard for curing chronic disease. He runs us through: - The difference between an allopathic and wholistic physician - Why there is NO free market in medicine - a shocking story that extends back to the 1920's - What happens when you try to suppress symptoms with medical drugs - What the makers of Aspirin manufactured in the 1940's and, - Which drug killed 500,000 people in 2004 (and why nobody went to jail)