Authentic Wellness Radio

#032: The Confidence Coach - Lisa Phillips



When we think of 'overcoming our fears' some of the mental images that might be conjured are fire-walking, skydiving and enrolling in a public speaking course. There's nothing wrong with those - but if you don't want to be a lecturer, fire-walker or sky diver then there's probably a bit more we can do for you than that. Lisa Phillips joins me for this week's episode to give us some more soothing and encouraging ways to get outside our comfort zone and turn the volume down on the negative self-talk that we create in our heads (this one involves a tiny bit of fire). We cover: - The proper way to free ourselves from the mental slavery we call self-doubt - Creating a new meaning about your experiences that isn't about you (and how Lisa dealt with her divorce by not making things personal) - What's really going on in the minds of other people whose opinions about us cause self-doubt (spoiler alert: it's likely nothing to do with you) Hosted by David White of RAW Health Movement Sign up today so you'll NEVER