Know-it-all: The Abcs Of Education

Are There More Black Men in Prison Than in College? No.



There is a long-held belief that has been perpetuated by media channels and well-meaning individuals that African American people, and men in particular, are in crisis. An example of one of the myths told to support that belief is that there are more black men in prison than in college. Our guest, Dr. Ivory Toldson, has conducted extensive research that debunks this myth and many others about black men and black students. Dr. Toldson is an associate professor of education at Howard University and a board member for the National Council on Educating Black Children (NCEBC). Also joining us will be Diana Daniels, Executive Director of the NCEBC, to talk about the impact of such myths on black students at school and on the perceptions we all have about black boys. Dr. Toldson and Mrs. Daniels will explain to us how to re-create the narrative related to black boys for equity's sake.