Nion Radio With Nick Onken

162: Gerry Powell – How Plant Medicine Can Change Your Life



"I'm not a thought leader, I'm not woke, I'm a guy that's a cheerleader for a plant." I'm so happy to introduce you to Gerry Powell, today's guest on NION Radio. 10 years ago, Gerry had just sold his company for $94 million dollars, had 5 houses, 20 plus cars, and 2 planes. He had achieved the American dream but was hooked on Demerol, was an alcoholic and was suicidal. Not even the top addiction rehab in the world could free him from his pain. But when a friend introduced him to an African plant, in one night he was healed from a lifetime of suffering. Today, Gerry is happy and free, and driven by the ease of awakening through plant medicine versus conventional routes, he has made it his life’s mission to show others there can be a shortcut to happiness. Being the founder and organizer of the Rhythmia event, I got to spend a lot of time around Gerry Powell during my time there, and he has given me so much in my own journey with my life and spirituality through plant medicine. Listen in to learn how Gerry beg