Rpg Fan's Retro Encounter

Retro Encounter 5-3: Terranigma



Terranigma ends in total craziness but somehow provides a satisfying resolution, or does it? We try to decipher what happened and determine Ark's role in the events of beating Dark Gaia. With the vagueness of the ending, the Retro Crew talks what makes a good ending. Finally, it wouldn't be a Retro Encounter without the talk getting seriously sidetracked; somehow the talk turns into a debate on game preservation and the role of emulators. Finally, we wish to extend our thanks to Martin Denk for giving us the permission to use music from his Terranigma unofficial soundtrack! See its VGMdb listing here: https://vgmdb.net/album/21800 Featuring: Josh Curry, Davi Tesnovich, Jesse Woo, Peter Triezenberg Questions? Comments? You guy are sick? Email us: retro@rpgfan.com