Books To Live By With Mariella Frostrup

Dougie Poynter



After admiring the many animal artefacts dotted around Dougie’s flat – from a saber-toothed tiger’s skull to glass cases filled with extinct insects - he and Mariella settle down to chat about the McFly star’s favourite books of all time. A whopping three tales are dedicated to one of his biggest interests in life: dinosaurs! Whilst discussing Michael Crichton’s 1990’s fictional classic “Jurassic Park”, his most loved non-fiction book “The Rise and Fall of Dinosaurs” by Stephen Brusatte, and the comical children’s booked he penned with his band mate “The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet”, Dougie explains how this niche passion extends from a fascination and respect for the wonders of the natural world. Upon being asked what sparked his interest, he recalls being taken by his Mum to the Natural History Museum at the age of 3 and being blown away. They chat more about his childhood, with Dougie revealing the pain that came with his father leaving one day without a trace, and the on-going journey of dealing with