Power Of Connection With Angela Shen

Ep. 26 HAM Collaboration with Brandon Chien and Seibo Shen



  Episode 26 brings Brandon Chien and Seibo Shen of Happy Asian Males Podcast back for a collaborative episode on mental health as it relates to the Asian American community. We each talk about our individual challenges that we’ve faced in the past year. Seibo discusses his challenges of launching the  cool and sleek stone amidst an ever changing cannabis landscape. Brandon speaks to facing his vulnerabilities and challenges in seeking his father’s approval and the messiness of his Asian family. Angela gives a little bit more insight to her MDMA assisted journey.   Contact Info: HAM Podcast: https://www.facebook.com/HAMpodcast/ Brandon Chien: The Art of Self Alignment Seibo Shen: Hanu Labs Angela Shen: angelapocpodcast@gmail.com