Ask Sue

Ask Sue Show asks what do you think of the BSL law?? Lennox



What do you think of the Law keeping Lennox and loads more dogs too that arent in the lime light bring them forward here on the ASK SUE SHOW   Every week day join the Ask Sue Show with me your host Sue Davies. Every night I have a show that is always different in some way!!!! Always fun and laughter with a serious side. Monday - Readings Night Tuesday Ask Sues Debate Night Wednesday - Readings night Thursday - Lennox Night Friday - Anything that goes on that night!! I am on facebook come and join me as I have groups websites etc and have many things going on. I have Ask Sue Events and that is upcoming events which are mostly Spiritual but some others coming up too.  I am just a Mum to my children Kim Jamie Emma and Janna and a Partner to Bill. What you see and here is what you get JOIN TO FIND OUT THE REST OF THE WORK AND GROUPS I AM CONNECTED WITH XX Love from Ask Sue xxxxx