Change Already! With Jillian

Change Already with Jillian, Guest: Prancercise, Joanne Rohrback



Overnight sensation, Joanna Rohrback galloped on the scene as the new exercise trend, Prancercise, and went viral with a blaze recieving over 9 million views on the internet in 2013, making the rounds of news and talk shows, and the subject of countless parodies. Jillian welcomes the opportunity to talk with the “Prancing Lady” and examine, not only the tenets of her exercise program and how she feels about her 2013 success, but what the future holds for Joanna Rohrback, and where she’s headed with all this steam in the Year of the Horse! 2014 couldn’t be more aptly named for Prancercise considering past shows where Jillian speaks about the Year of the Horse as being the year to expect more in the physical realm, not only embracing more physicality, but also embracing more playfulness. Prancercise is poised to do it all!